Lorraine Allen
Lorraine is born and raised in Haines Junction, Yukon. She fluently speaks, writes and translates her Southern Tuchone language. Her traditional Wolf Clan name is Chughala.
She has taught for many years as a Southern Tuchone instructor at the Porter Creek Secondary, F.H. Collins High, and elementary and junior high levels in Whitehorse, Yukon.
She has accomplished the Native Language Instructor Certificate course at Yukon College in 1992. Shje has completed the diploma course in 1994. in 1996, Lorraine completed the associate of applied science degree in Native Language Education at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. In 1998, Lorraine recieved an innovations and teaching award from the Yukon Department of Education.
Lorraine has authored a number of story books and a set of language lessons in her Aishihik dialect of Sotuerhn Tuchone, and is a regular participant at Yukon Native Language Instructor Trainees.
Lorraine says she us retired now, although she continues to provide mentoring and leadership for new language teachers and educators at the Kwanlin Dun First Nations, Duska and Family Head Start Program. Lorraine provides a wealth of knowledge in culture and language teaching to toddlers, three and four year olds. the Staff at Duska apopreciates Lorraines presence and contributions for language revitalization.

Valerie Wood
2000-2005-Daghida Project-Valerie Wood and University of Alberta co-coordinated a language revitalization project on Cold Lake First Nations.
Coordinated Dene Language Conference in 2008.
Simplified writing of Denesųłįné in Cold Lake Dialect.
Put Denesųłįné Cold Lake dialect on-line on First
Voices website.
John Janvier
Historian, taught Denesųłįné Language for 22 years at Legoff School.
One of the few people in Cold Lake who can read and write in both Syllabics and Roman Orthography.
Agnes Gendron
Fluent Denesųłįné speaker.
Coordinated the creation of Denesųłįné Hymn CD with two elders
Translator, helped with the making of the Denesųłįné Language App.